Win Prizes by Solving Puzzles

Every month, Mystery Unfolds runs competitions, promoted by our partners, to give away a bunch of prizes. Our partners choose the prizes and these can change from month to month, but will often include Mystery Unfolds gift vouchers. 😉

Check below to see if you are eligible, and then register for as many as you can to win puzzles and more.

Monthly Mysteries promoter logo - Time's Up

Time’s Up, Wanneroo and Bunbury

WA’s first local escape room to expand to multiple venues. Win Time’s Up & Mystery Unfolds vouchers. Must be a Western Australian resident to be eligible.

Monthly Mysteries promoter logo - Escape Squad

Escape Squad, Mandurah WA

Mandurah’s first escape room. Win Escape Squad and Mystery Unfolds vouchers. Must be a Western Australian resident to be eligible.

Monthly Mysteries promoter logo - Lisa Munday, Member for Dawesville

Lisa Munday Member for Dawesville, Falcon WA

Win fuel vouchers. Must be a constituent of the Dawesville electorate in Western Australia to be eligible.

Own a business and want to engage your followers and increase your mailing list?
Get in touch to see if “Monthly Mysteries is right for you.

Not in an eligible location? Be alerted when we expand to your area

Sign up to our mailing list to be the first to find out when we launch new competitions in new locations with our parners. By signing up you agree to receive emails from us on an irregular basis (no spams).